Angel is the latest independent film from filmmakers Tory Jones (The Wicked One) and Shawn Burkett (Don’t Fuck in the Woods). This will be the filmmakers’ first collaboration and they promise to “take you on a thrill ride into your darkest fears.” Plus, they’ve come up with some awesome perks to reward backers during the Indiegogo campaign.

Synopsis: In 1986, a brutal massacre rocked the small isolated community of Raven Rock. For thirty years the town has been chained and walled off from the outside world while deteriorating and crumbling. However, not all has been quiet as disappearances have been attributed to the supposedly haunted town. Now a headstrong journalist and her team venture to Raven Rock to investigate the town, its history, and the missing persons. What they will discover is sometimes the truth is more disturbing than myth and Raven Rock is still being occupied.

The filmmakers wanted to move away from the tropes they had followed with their previous films and opt for something more suspenseful, philosophical, and with a deeper warning. The story in Angel would be a cautionary tale with an emphasis on the lengths people will go to in order to get what they want and, ultimately, get ahead.

Priding themselves on not going the cheapest and easiest way, Jones, Burkett, and team began to custom design everything from wardrobe, masks, weapons, set design, and so on. They began ordering stunt equipment and preparing for the intensity Angel is going to unveil. The look of the film, especially when the story moves into the abandoned town, had to feel aged, old, and yet hauntingly beautiful. Jones opted to move away from the “old school aesthetic” he used on The Wicked One and move towards something very crisp, clean, and cold. Shawn Burkett used his artistic abilities to begin crafting pieces of the set design. These pieces help transform the locations that will be used for filming into a believable town.

Creature concept designs began to be developed, as Angel features a group of horrific entities that dwell inside the walls of the community, all of which with custom looks and weapons. With any independent film, there are risks involved and challenges the team must overcome. The producers want this film to feel bigger in scope and for the world they’re creating to be fully immersive.

With enough support, principal photography will begin in early October, shooting for two months and heading directly into post production afterwards. The target release date for Angel will be spring 2018.

For more information about the project and how you can help, visit the film’s Indiegogo page!


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