This week on Lovecraft Country, we find our heroes trying to save Dee, the young girl who was followed by the two creepy girls in the previous episode. She’s possessed (I think), and after some negotiation they realize the only thing that will save her is to use Ruby’s time machine from the previous episode.
Ruby, being the “motherboard” for the computer (given her odd wrist implants) will power the machine that she names as a “multiverse” machine. And in these alternate universes, Ruby appears to have the powers of a god. She is able to send them to a point in time where the crew can get the Book of Names they need so desperately to save Dee, as well as prepare Atticus for his sacrifice on the Autumnal Equinox. For Christina. Who wants to become immortal and needs Atticus to willingly be sacrificed.
Also, I guess Montrose has admitted that Atticus is actually George’s biological son. And the time they get sent to in order to retrieve the Book of Names is the night of the Tulsa Race Riots. There’s kind of a lot happening this episode.
As they make it back, they witness a much younger Montrose being beaten by his father for trying on the corsage his brother George bought for…Atticus’ mother. Montrose remembers in vivid details what follows, and sneaks away in order to try and protect his younger self.
When Atticus finds him, Montrose is watching his younger self with another boy his own age. Montrose admits this other boy was a romantic partner. Until he was shot in the face by a group of racists. Letitia, meanwhile, is being chased by other white rioters and happens to end up saved by Montrose’s father and his family.
Atticus pleads with Montrose not to interfere; if he does, it will undo their future and (potentially) their own existences. AS he does, Letitia is pleading with Atticus’ great-grandmother to provide her the Book of Names. Montrose narrates the killing of his boyfriend as it happens, and Letitia quietly admits to Atticus’ great-grandmother what is to befall their family that night.
Let me tell you, with this kind of wind-up in the show, it’s traditionally gone a certain way. This episode does not disappoint.
Montrose tells Atticus, while still watching the white mob attack his younger self and a few others, that a stranger shows up with a bat and saves them. Atticus is convinced they’ve done something wrong, as no stranger appears, until he trips on a bat lying on the ground. Nothing is more satisfying than the slow-motion capture of Atticus’ bat connecting with the side of the face of the person who shot Montrose’ partner.
They make it back to the present day (after some minimal conflict), and now they must prepare for the last chapter. Will Atticus die? Does Christina have a change of heart? Or maybe Cthulhu decimates everything.
RELATED: Check out all of our Lovecraft Country coverage!