Frivolous Lola (1998) Review
Cult Epics

Last month I reviewed All Ladies Do It, a European sex comedy from director Tinto Brass. This month, another classic Brass film arrived, Frivolous Lola (1998); once again, it’s a 4K upgrade and just as entertaining. Cult Epics has really been going the extra mile to bring collectors these naughty classics, and the excellence of what they put into each release is acknowledged and appreciated. A filmmaker like Brass appeals to a niche crowd. Cult Epics has won over that audience with its product and continues the trend with this release.

During the 1950s, Lola (Anna Ammirati) and Masetto (Max Parodi) are close to getting married. Masetto hopes to keep Lola a virgin until they consummate their vows on their wedding night. Lola, on the other hand, is far less patient, and her carnal urges are begging to take over. Will she be able to hold out until after they walk down the aisle, or will Lola’s lust take over her and lead her into the arms of someone else?

I’m not even going to pretend there’s a compelling story in Frivolous Lola, there’s not. It’s essentially just set up after set up to get Ammirati in various stages of undress. Some of the humor works well, while some left me scratching my head a little. The movie certainly titillates as it should and Brass keeps the film movie at a reasonable pace. It’s softcore erotica that isn’t quite as entertaining as the last film I reviewed but has some of the set pieces you’d expect from Brass.

Ammirati carries the weight of the film on her shoulders with ease and is definitely the highlight of her charm, beauty, and comedic timing. Much like the previous 4K release, the picture is pretty crisp with a hint of natural grain. There are a couple of spots with noticeable blemishes, but nothing out of the ordinary for a title like this.

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Cult Epics makes it worth your hard-earned dollars by packing this two-disc set with features like an audio commentary by Nathaniel Thompson and Eugenie Ercolani, a vintage interview with Tinto Brass from 2004, trailers, and a photo gallery. The package has a slipcase, a reversible sleeve, a 20-page booklet featuring work by Ercolani and Domenico Monetti, and four repo Italian lobby card prints.

This fully uncut film restored in 4K from the original negatives may not be Brass at his best, but it’s still a highly entertaining piece of erotic film history.

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