BETRAYAL (2024) Poster
Saban Films

The movie Betrayal, released on September 6th, is a chilling story of three brothers who return to a remote woodland where they once buried their abusive father. When they find his grave empty, suspicion and fear unravel their loyalty, leading to devastating consequences. Steffen Thum and Max Aruj are the minds behind the soundtrack for the film. Their combined experience in music and composing gave the film that much-needed atmosphere and feeling of dread.

Thum and Aruj aimed to create a raw, primal soundscape using acoustic and organic sounds. They experimented with custom violin and cello textures, alongside innovative percussion and vocals, to capture the mystic and surreal quality of the film’s setting. Their approach includes a sparse and quiet score, allowing every breath and footstep to resonate. They even composed a mother’s lullaby that weaves its way through the film and contrasts the feeling of bleakness and despair.

Thum, a German composer, and Aruj, born and raised in Los Angeles, have worked in many different mediums, including big-name movies and streaming services. This has enabled them to experiment with sounds and compositions in unique and creative environments.

Thum has worked with renowned composers such as Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe, adding music to titles such as Top Gun: Maverick, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Black Widow, and TV shows The Crown and His Dark Materials.

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Aruj ’s most recent work includes MoviePass, MovieCrash (Max), and The Ice Road (Netflix). He teamed up with Thum to create the music for the horror film Crawl and added additional music to Top Gun: Maverick. He also entered the Assassin’s Creed universe, working on Wrath of the Druids.

We talked with Steffen Thum and Max Aruj about their careers, challenges, and how they work solo and as a team to create beautiful compositions across many mediums.

Check out our exclusive video interview below or on YouTube.


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