Could Matt Smith be reprising his titular role in the BBC’s long running sci-fi show Doctor Who? If the internet is to be believed, then the answer is yes. Well, maybe.
It’s no secret that current Doctor Peter Capaldi is looking to escape the TARDIS at the end of the next series leaving the role open for someone to take his place in the inevitable regeneration sequence. Although there are likely dozens of names we can all think of to fill those Gallifreyan boots the series showrunner Steven Moffat believes we’re more likely to see a reincarnation than a regeneration.
Talking to UK newspaper The Mirror, Moffat indicated that Matt Smith, known to fans as the 11th Doctor, has been “Very open about how much he misses the role and wishes he hadn’t left.”
We don’t need to tell you how much of a game changer this would be for a series that has rigidly stuck to its own rules for over half a century, and could open the door for other former favourites like David Tennant to return later down the line.
Will this turn out to be nothing more than wishful thinking? We’ll have more Who news as it comes.