December is here again folks, meaning Christmas is almost upon us. If you believe the hype then it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But remember, you can’t spell SANTA without SATAN. With that in mind, here’s 10 terrifying Santas in pop culture.

10. Xanta Klaus (In Your House: Seasons Beatings, 1995)

Nothing screams Jolly Old St. Nick more than a man named Balls Mahoney dressed as Santa’s evil Southern cousin.

Sadly, Vince McMahon is meaner than the Grinch, so we can’t use an actual image of this…ahem…legendary WWF (now WWE) creation, so enjoy this awesome comic depicting the Christmas fun.

9. The Grinch (How the Grinch Stole Christmas, 1966)

Imagine a hairy green monster climbing down your chimney this Christmas, wearing no trousers and brandishing his moth eaten sack. Pretty scary, huh?

Yep, he’s a mean one that Mr Grinch, and he’d probably rank higher in our terrifying Santas list but because of an incredible, and unlikely, change in heart he ended up being quite nice. He still had no pants on though.

8. Mall Santa (A Christmas Story, 1983)

What makes A Christmas Story’s Mall Santa so scary is he’s way more real than any of the other terrifying Santas on this list. I’m sure we all have a horrifying tale of when our parents forced us to sit on some fat guy’s lap, as we all pretended not to notice that he wasn’t really Santa. Well, for little Ralphie the nightmare is only too real as he’s forced to come face to face with a shrill voiced, red faced Santa that doesn’t appear to be all that fond of kids.

Bob Clark’s horror pedigree really shines through, even in a family movie.

7. Robot Santa (Futurama, 1999)

Christmas in the future is scary as Hell, just ask Fry in this unforgettable Xmas special. He’s angry, he’s violent and his standards are so high there is no way you’re not making the naughty list again this year.

6. Santa Claws (Round the Twist, 1990)

Round the Twist was a suitably bonkers enough TV show that it deserves it’s own feature here on HorrorGeekLife. For now, though, let’s all remember the terrifying moment when Freddy Krueger met St. Nick in the episode entitled ‘Santa Claws.’

5. Leigh Emerson (American Horror Story: Asylum, 2012)

There’s been many a serial killer Santa over the years, and don’t get me wrong, most have been great. But in this writer’s opinion none have been more terrifying than Ian McShane as Leigh Emerson, who sets out for some festive revenge against those that have kept him locked away in Briarcliff Sanitarium.

4. Papa Lazarou (The League of Gentlemen: Christmas Special, 2000)

Papa Lazarou was scary enough in his far too brief appearance during the original run of The League of Gentlemen  TV series, but sticking him in a Santa suit and having him kidnap your mother instead of leaving gifts is about as terrifying a visual as I can handle.

3. Krampus (Krampus, 2015)

If you’ve forgotten the true meaning of Christmas, and you don’t hold it in your heart, then you’ll probably get a visit from Krampus this year, and believe me when I tell you that’s worse than a plate full of sprouts for Christmas dinner.

2. Sinterklaas (Saint, 2010)

Imagine watching Santa burn until his face melts off. Well, that’s just one Christmas moment you’ll never forget in Dick Maas‘ interpretation of the legend of St Nicholas.

Dick Maas would be the best Christmas porn name ever! I’m totally having it as my own.

1. Santa (Rare Exports, 2010)

There’s something hidden beneath the Korvatunturi mountains in Finland, and this Christmas it’s fallen to a young lad named Pietari to find out exactly what.

Rare Exports takes the age old theme of catching Santa in the act and turns it on its head. When his father accidentally catches one of Santa’s very old, and very naked, Elves in a Reindeer trap, they unwittingly set in motion a chain of events that leads to the arrival of the biggest, nastiest Santa you’ve ever seen.


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