Friday the 13th NES | LJN

Make no mistake, every ’80s kid has fond memories of playing the Nintendo Entertainment System. More commonly, the classic console is referred to by fans as the NES. On paper, seeing the abbreviated version of the console’s name looks fine when it’s typed out. But what if you were to hear it spoken by an official Nintendo source… only to realize you’ve been saying it wrong your whole life?

If you’re like me, you say each individual letter when saying “NES” out loud. It’s the N-E-S, right? After all, it’s abbreviated from Nintendo Entertainment System, so emphasizing each letter seems natural. But going from the new Nintendo 3DS game WarioWare Gold, we’ve apparently been saying it wrong for over three decades. While the primary purpose of the game is to take part in a plethora of fun yet competitive mini-games, it provides some interesting unlockables which now has the gaming world buzzing.

In the Japanese version of the game, players can explore an in-game museum and unlock various slides. On one particular slide, Nintendo reveals the proper way of pronouncing the abbreviation, which is actually like “Ness.” This means that if you’re not using just one syllable to pronounce the word, then according to Nintendo, you’re not saying it right!

Surely, trying to switch now seems like it’s too little, too late for most gamers. Nintendo can call it the “Ness” all they want, but for gamers like me, it will always be the “N-E-S.” And, surely, there has to be some players out there that have been calling it the “Ness” this whole time as well, but considering I’ve never heard that, those gamers have to be a small minority.

Anyway, it’s not like it really matters. All of those classic Nintendo games remain iconic either way. Just don’t expect to hear me say the words, “Super Ness” anytime soon.


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