‘The Head Hunter’ Trailer Sees Horror and Fantasy Collide

the head hunter trailer 1

Last year, writer/director Jordan Downey’s (Thankskilling) medieval fantasy/horror epic The Head Hunter (formerly The Head) premiered at film festivals around the world. Since then, the film has garnered fantastic reviews (you can read mine here), multiple awards, and quite a bit of buzz. Part Game of Thrones, part Cast Away, the film tells the story of a grizzled monster bounty hunter determined to avenge the death of a loved one. But unless you were one of the lucky ones fortunate enough to catch the film at a festival, not much was shown about the film outside a couple posters and a few stills. That is, until now.

The first trailer just premiered and, boy, does it deliver! The 97-second preview does a fantastic job of showing off the scope of the film, which is beautifully shot by cinematographer Kevin Stewart (also a co-writer). The Head Hunter is a gut-wrenching journey of revenge fueled by unimaginable grief, the dread and suspense building throughout the mostly solitary tale. That isolation, along with the lack of dialogue for most of the run time, further adds to the tension-filled thrill ride.

The trailer is a microcosm of the movie as a whole, delivering the same emotions in a minute and a half as the film itself does. My only recommendation: watch the trailer in a darkened room with no other sounds to distract. You won’t be disappointed.

The Head Hunter will be in select theaters and on demand April 5th!

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