Ruggero Deodato, the controversial film director behind the infamous horror flick Cannibal Holocaust, has announced the upcoming release of a new video game set in the world of his original Cannibal movie trilogy. Dubbed Cannibal, the game is developed by Fantastico Studio using the direction and script from Deodato. Set to be released this November, an official reveal trailer has also been unveiled for the game.
Deodato’s original film trilogy includes Jungle Holocaust (1977), the much more well-known Cannibal Holocaust (1980), and Cut and Run (1985). The new Cannibal video game is described by the studio as the “fourth, highly awaited chapter of [Deodato’s] cannibals cycle,” suggesting the game will essentially be a new sequel to the cult classic films. It remains to be seen if the game will feature just as much graphic violence, but I can’t imagine it’s going to be easy for Fantastico to get this one past the ESRB.
Unfortunately, the trailer doesn’t show us any actual gameplay footage, instead showing off some of the official artwork for Cannibal spliced with film clips. Still, the game has me intrigued, and from Friday the 13th: The Game to Blair Witch and now Cannibal, I’m all for the trend of developing new video games based on classic horror movies. Let’s just hope this brings us one step closer to getting that modern game based on A Nightmare on Elm Street I’ve been wanting as well.
For now, you can check out the official reveal trailer for Cannibal below.
“Cannibal is an interactive horror graphic adventure with the direction and script of Ruggero Deodato, in which the player will take control of different characters, to reveal, little by little, the background that led them to a desperate expedition to the virgin jungles of Borneo.”
You can pick up Cannibal in November 2020 when the game is released for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, PC, and mobile.
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