Creator Spotlight: These Handcrafted Horror House Dioramas are Awesome

horror house diorama
Photos: Lanny Helton

In our new Creator Spotlight series, we highlight creators from around the world who are doing amazing things. One artist we’re excited to talk about is Lanny Helton, owner of the Simplechaoticmachine store on Etsy, who makes and sells one of a kind, handcrafted horror house wall dioramas from classic films.

Helton says that initial inspiration can be credited to the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise:

“It started when I was about 15 or 16 years old, after watching A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.  When Kristen builds that Freddy house, I knew that I was going to have to build one as well. Of course, I went all out with it, including some of the rooms from the movie. I wasn’t as focused with detail, just the fact that I had created my own.

Photo: Lanny Helton

A lot happened since then and I wasn’t able to revisit building one like it until around Christmas 2019. Believe it or not, they are exacting, as well demanding, and I didn’t have the same space to work with as I did when I was living with my parents as a teenager. So, I decided that the facade was actually the most recognizable feature and went with it.

My first two horror house wall dioramas were Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers. The rest came along after suggestions from some buyers. Although I enjoy them all, I would have to say that I’m partial to the Freddy house. It was the first one I built.  It has sentimental value.”

The current houses listed in the store range between $125-$175, well worth the price of handcrafted, original work. They even come equipped with battery-powered LED lighting that shines through the windows.

You can check out the full gallery on Etsy here.

Photo: Lanny Helton


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