TV Review: ‘Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer’ on Netflix

night stalker netflix review

As someone who knows a thing or two about serial killers and true crime, it is hard to name someone as terrifying as Richard Ramirez. Known by a few nicknames since his crime spree days, the one that stuck is “Night Stalker,” and for good reason. He made Californians listen for bumps in the night during the mid-’80s, nervous that they may be his next victim. The new Netflix docu-series Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer explores his crimes, capture, and trial over the course of four 45-minute (give or take) episodes.

As our fascination with true crime rages on, sensationalizing those who kill is a serious issue. Although the show does, in fact, touch on the many groupies throwing themselves at Ramirez during his trial and beyond (why…?!), the show stays focused on the impact of his crimes. The story is relayed to the viewer from the POV of detectives and reporters who worked the case, as well as survivors and the families of those who were not so fortunate.

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Directors James Carroll and Tiller Russell do well at holding our attention, and taking us back to those terrifying days in L.A. and San Francisco. The interviews are well-paced and candid, and L.A. County Sheriff homicide detectives Frank Salerno and Gil Carrillo are absolutely captivating. Carrillo’s joviality next to Salerno’s hardened demeanor is something right out of a Hollywood film noir. Real crime scene footage and news reports are interspersed throughout. Although it can be graphic at times, the crime scene footage is about on the same level as Forensic Files, or similar. It probably won’t come as shocking to true crime fans, but more sensitive viewers should take caution.

While the actual true crime portions are solid, the transitions and editing can get too overly stylized at times. It takes you out of the moment as the scene lingers on unrelated images shown in an artistic manner. That, and the music that accompanies the scenes, aren’t needed and end up being a distraction.

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Overall, however, Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer is a well-produced docu-series on one of the America’s most notorious killers. Whether you have read up on Ramirez already, or this is your first introduction, the show is a must-watch for true crime buffs. Do not be surprised if you check your windows and door locks twice after viewing.

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