We chatted with writer and editor James Aquilone about the upcoming Kolchak: The Night Stalker anthology graphic novel, which celebrates 50 years of the iconic character. Be sure to check out the successful Kickstarter campaign before it ends this week!
Horror Geek Life: Kolchak is such a great character to bring back into the spotlight. How did the project initially get started?
James Aquilone: I was looking for my next Kickstarter project following the success of my prose anthology Classic Monsters Unleashed, and a little googling revealed to me that The Night Stalker TV movie was coming up on its 50th anniversary this January. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to do something special for Kolchak. I’ve always been a big fan, so I came up with a pitch for a big campaign celebrating the milestone and sent it off to Moonstone Books — and the rest is crowdfunding history.
HGL: Many talented people are attached to the Kolchak graphic novel, including Richard Christian Matheson. What is it like working with Matheson, being that his father wrote the original films?
JA: R.C. was the first person I invited to the project. I figured if he agreed, then the rest would follow. And how could I not involve him? He wrote a wonderful story for Classic Monsters Unleashed, so we had just worked together. Having a connection to the original TV movie — which, by the way, was the highest-rated TV movie in history at the time —was important to me.
HGL: Of course, longtime Kolchak fans surely appreciate all-new stories and art. Are you also seeing a newer generation getting excited about the character?
JA: Actually, we are. Younger people are finding the show on streaming services and falling in love with it. There are a few very active Facebook groups dedicated to Kolchak, and every day I see someone new join and talk about how they just watched the show or one of the TV movies.
HGL: How has Kolchak inspired you throughout your life and career?
JA: Actually, Kolchak has inspired quite a lot in my life and career. I became a journalist because of the show and other fictional reporters like Clark Kent. Being a reporter seemed exciting and fun. But I’m not stalking the mean streets of Las Vegas or Chicago. I work from home — so the only monsters I encounter are my two cats, Lilith and Lucifer. (My wife named them.)
HGL: Do you believe (or hope!) this could lead to a feature film or another series revival?
JA: I wouldn’t be surprised. There’s been a lot of interest in Kolchak since we launched. I’ve already been approached about doing several other Kolchak-related projects, including a Kolchak convention, which I’d love to see. It would be amazing if this Kickstarter campaign started a Kolchak resurgence. I’m ready for it.
HGL: Lastly, you stay pretty busy! Are there any other projects you’d like to mention?
JA: I’ll probably be launching another Kickstarter in a few months. This time, it’s for Shakespeare Unleashed, the second book in the Unleashed series. Shakespeare Unleashed is a prose anthology of horror stories based on the bloody bard’s work. We’ll even have horror sonnets by some of the best dark poets in the industry.
We would like to thank James Aquilone for his time.
Pages: Art by Paul McCaffrey, courtesy of Moonstone Books.