Mike Flanagan’s Hush premiered at the SXSW Film Festival in 2016 and was picked up exclusively by Netflix. However, it was removed from the platform in 2023 and has remained unavailable ever since. Now, Shout! Studios, in collaboration with Flanagan, Intrepid Pictures, and Blumhouse, has announced that the beloved home invasion film will be released digitally in the United States and Canada on August 27, 2024.
Hush follows a deaf writer who has retreated into the woods to live a solitary life. She must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window. The film stars Kate Siegel (The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass), John Gallagher Jr. (The Newsroom, 10 Cloverfield Lane), Samantha Sloyan (Midnight Mass, Grey’s Anatomy), and Michael Trucco (Battlestar Galactica, The Fall of the House of Usher). It was written by Flanagan and Siegel and produced by Trevor Macy, p.g.a. of Intrepid Pictures, and Jason Blum, p.g.a. of Blumhouse.
Said Flanagan, “Hush is one of the projects that is closest to my heart, and I cannot think of a better home than Shout! I’m so glad that people will finally be able to rent or purchase the film digitally. I’ve always loved how Shout! Studios champions and treasures their titles, and I also cannot wait for what’s to come… fans of HUSH are going to have much to celebrate!”
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While speaking at the 2024 ATX Television Festival in Austin, Texas, the acclaimed filmmaker hinted at a Blu-ray release, stating:
“We took it back because I really value physical media. And Netflix, by policy, it does not work in their business plan. So we took it back. We do have a new home for it. I can’t say where. I can say there will be a physical release, and that there will be a lot of really awesome surprises that we’ve been working on for a year to make this release awesome. It’s something that will be really exciting.
The fans have been waiting. If you’ve been looking for ‘Hush’ and it’s nowhere to be found, it will be back soon. It will be everywhere. You’ll be able to stream it. You’ll be able to have it in your collection, and it’s gonna be worth the wait because we did some really awesome new stuff for it.”
Shout! Studios has promised that additional news will be released in the following months, so let’s hope a physical release is confirmed soon.