Starring Ben Kaplan Jewel Shepard
Mucho Mucho Mucho Productions

In today’s age, everyone uses social media for one reason or another, whether it’s to look for a new job, search for the next big star, find a cooking recipe, or even find a date online. Online dating has always been a risky thing. Even with newer technology, one can never be completely sure of who they are talking to and what they will be like when they meet in person. When meeting someone from the internet, it’s always a good idea to meet in a public area, however, it doesn’t always go down that way. Just like in the new horror film by Mucho Mucho Mucho Productions titled, crazy things can happen within the blink of an eye.

Written by Chelsea Andes and directed by Chip Gubera, was filmed in Columbia, Missouri. With a low budget, they managed to create a tense atmosphere. The story delivers on all points: the writing was creative and unique, the plot is packed with unexpected twists and turns, plus the characters are acted by Ben Kaplan, Morgan Carter, Jewel Shepard, and R.A. Mihailoff.

The story follows Jack (Kaplan) and Kristy (Carter) as they meet for the first time in person after talking online for quite a while. Upon meeting, they both deem each other reasonably normal and decide to go on a first date in the isolated woods of Missouri. They rent a cabin from the Myers – Momma (Jewel Shepard) and Jesse (R.A. Mihailoff) – who seem a little off but nice. Well, that is, until it’s their last night there…. then everything gets extremely bizarre and takes a turn for the worst.

Andes and Gubera really knew how to play on our fears and had us knee-deep into the story from the very beginning. Plus, as I was watching it, certain scenes reminded me of past horror classics such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The People Under the Stairs, and Cabin Fever. I’m not sure if this was on purpose, but either way, I loved the nostalgic feel that it brought to the story, but in a fresh way.

They weren’t afraid to push the sexual, violent, bloody, and gory scenes. It can be risky to do when new to filmmaking because you never know who you could offend or what audiences will think, but it worked in their favor. Each scene served a purpose, and it wasn’t for shock value. The shots for these scenes focused very carefully on detail, reeling the audience in and making us feel like we are in the room with them.

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Morgan Carter is a former model breaking her way into acting, and judging by her skills as Kristy in this film, I think we’ll see great things from her in the future. Delious, who played the local sheriff, is a Grammy award-winning singer, and although his role was small, it is significant to the build-up of the story. His character, in particular, is one that reminded me of past horror films. Ben Kaplan is a newer actor but well on his way to stardom. At first, his character gave off a nice, shy-guy demeanor, but then we get to see a completely different side of him when things start to get crazy. He really stood out and surprised me.

R.A. Mihailoff is best known for his role in Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, and it was awesome seeing him play a new sadistic role as Jesse. The character who stood out most throughout this film, though, was Momma, played by The Return of the Living Dead’s Jewel Shepard. She’s crazy beautiful and one mom you wouldn’t want to mess with. Everything about this character is dripping with insanity, from the way she moves, talks, looks, and even some of the props she uses.

Overall, I was highly surprised by, even more so by the absurd ending. Not every day do you stumble upon an independent horror movie that shocks you like this! Although it’s low-budget, it has everything a horror fan needs and loves: a great story, awesome characters, and gore. It’s also a story that appeals to everyone because everybody knows someone via their mom, cousin, brother, or friend that has met someone online and the pros and cons of doing so. This happens to shed light on how horribly bad it can go.


  1. I don’t know how much they paid you to write this “review” of, but they definitely got their money’s worth. In reality, the acting is some of the worst I’ve ever witnessed. Plot is terrible, and my guess is it was shot with a cell phone, and not a good cell phone, more like a flip phone from 2008. Avoid this movie at all costs.


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