At E3 2017, Ubisoft gave us our first look at Far Cry 5 gameplay. The footage shows the player character, an unnamed Junior Sheriff, taking on the religious cult that have taken over Hope County, Montana. Ubisoft have revealed that for the first time in a Far Cry game, the player’s character gender and race will be selectable. This contrasts with previous entries in the series, in which the player character was an established character.

The Far Cry 5 gameplay footage shows the Sheriff and his trusty canine companion assaulting a church filled with psychotic religious zealots. The player is assisted from afar by an ally with a sniper rifle, providing cover fire and even saving the player from sneak attacks. Another ally provides air support, suggesting that the characters previously shown in the Far Cry 5 teaser trailers will have an active role in gameplay. It is unknown if the Junior Sheriff will be a silent protagonist at this time.

Far Cry 5 will mark the first time in the series that the games events take place right in the American heartland. It will release on February 27th, 2018. Check out the footage below and let us know if you’re ready to take back Hope County! Or, do you prefer your murderous death cults a little less close to home? As always, let us know in the comments and on social media!

Check out our coverage of E3 2017 here!


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