In 1984, many lives were changed (for the better) due to Hasbro releasing what is now the beloved Transformers: Generation 1 toy line, as well as the amazing television cartoon series. Also in 1984, Marvel Comics released an 80-issue Transformers run that was entirely different from the TV show, spanning from 1984-1991.
As a kid, I absolutely geeked out to this show and, yes, bawled my eyes out to Optimus Prime getting slagged in 1986’s The Transformers: The Movie. In 1987, the series concluded with season 4’s three part series titled, Rebirth. Sadly, the show was rushed out and didn’t get the love that the previous seasons had shared. Soon after season 4 was over, the series was picked up and continued in Japan.
To this day, there is a constant stream of content based off the original Transformers series. To keep that going, here is a no particular order list of G1 Transformers that kicked so much tailgate!
What do you get when you combine six (Hook, Bonecrusher, Mixmaster, Scavenger, Long Haul, and Scapper) of the Constructicons together to form one huge towering robot of doom? That’s right, Devastator! Devastator is one of most powerful Combiners in all the Transformer universe. He is usually Megatron’s go to at the start, in the middle, and at the end of a battle. Devastator’s only real weakness is his very low intellect, which usually ends with him being defeated.
Looking to even the odds of ferocity and strength, the Autobots began working on dinosaur fossils that Ironhide found outside of the Ark. With help from Ratchet, Wheeljack began working on the Dinobots. As luck would have it for the Decepticons, and even the Autbots, the Dinobot’s weren’t very intelligent. That is pretty much their only weakness. They are very powerful and talk trash to rub that ass kicking in. Just ask Unicron!
Within the subgroup, you have the Dinobots’ leader, Grimlock. “ME GRIMLOCK, KING!” Followed by Slag, Sludge, Snarl. and Swoop. Whether they work together as members of the Autobots or not, they sure do love to munch metal.
“WHO DISRUPTS MY CORONATION?!!” Those were the last words from an idiot. An idiot who betrays anyone who stands in his way for leadership. It’s a shame that Starscream’s treacherous ways lead him to either defeat or slagged. He is one of the strongest Transformers, or so he claims. I really don’t know why Megatron keeps him around. Maybe its just for “bad comedy.” I would also like to take this moment to honor Chris Latta, who was the original voice for Starscream and Cobra Commander in the GI: Joe series. He is missed very much.
Blaster is Optimus Prime’s go to when it comes to communications and the occasional distress signal. During the Battle of Autobot City (Transformers: The Movie), Blaster’s distress signal turned the tide to the Autobots favor thanks to the Dinobots and Prime’s last stand with Megatron. Like Soundwave, he has cassette tapes (Ramhorn, Rewind, Eject, and Steeljaw) that transform and can battle with the best. He loves the culture of Earth and especially loves the music.
Like Blaster, Soundwave is Megatron’s communications officer and spy for the Decepticons. Plus, he has a really kick ass voice. From the beginning of the Transformers series, Soundwave has been the backbone for the Decepticons. He is very loyal to Megatron and he ranks in the upper echelon of the Decepticon army. Also like Blaster, Soundwave has cassette tapes (Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, Buzzsaw and Frenzy) that transform and run interference in battle.
Before Transformers: The Movie, all of these characters had a huge impact on how Earth was defended from the Decepticons, as well as the possible retaking of Cybertron. Ironhide, Prowl, Brawn, and Windcharger were the soldiers, all capable of holding their own when it came time to fighting the Decepticreeps.
Wheeljack, Ratchet, Huffer, and Red Alert each had their own responsibilities. Wheeljack was pretty much the brains of the Autobots, which sometimes led to explosive consequences. Ratchet was the medic of the Autobots, as well as patching up their human companions when needed. He also aided Wheeljack when one of his experiments would go horribly wrong. Red Alert was security, but his pension for ‘cry-wolf’ nearly got the Autobots slagged on a few occasions. Lastly, Huffer is a great engineer, but his incessant complaining and bickering while building whatever is needed is sure to make you want to change sides and slag him yourself.
As the Great War concluded, there were many casualties on each side. The Autobots had severe losses and (spoiler alert) all the above perished within the first 15 minutes of Transformers: The Movie. Like many, I was certainly heart broken. Hasbro wanted to weed out the old and bring in the new toy lines at the expense of our beloved characters. Thanks, Hasbro!
No slight to Megatron, but in all due respect to Shockwave, he should have been the leader of the Decepticons. Shockwave was appointed by Megatron to guard Cybertron while the Autobots and Decepticons lay in statis lock, aboard the Ark, which crash-landed in a volcano. Shockwave enslaved the remaining Autobots on Cybertron and carried out Megatron’s orders to the letter.
In 1984, when the Decepticons and Autobots were revived by Teletraan-1 after the volcano erupted, Shockwave’s signal was finally answered by Megatron. The Decepticons soon were able to build a Space-Bridge, which connected Earth and Cybertron together. After Unicron’s attack on Cybertron, Shockwave was never heard from again. I’d like to think he’s doing well, sipping back on some stout Energon but he was probably slagged.
“Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”
He was once known as Orion Pax before being rebuilt to forever be known as Optimus Prime. Prime is the greatest leader in the Transformers universe. His willingness to sacrifice himself for the good of all living things is what a good leader does.
Over the long history of the series, Prime’s winning percentage over the Decepticons is pretty good. His epic battle with Megatron, especially during the Battle of Autobot City, was a site to behold. If it weren’t for Hot Rod being a dumbass, Prime might have ended Megatron rather quickly. But Megatron managed to get the upper hand and use Hot Rod as a shield and shot Prime several times. As Prime went down, Megatron loomed over him, about to deliver the final blow, Megatron gloated to Prime by saying, “I would’ve waited an eternity for this, its over, Prime.” Prime managed to build up enough strength and with a hardy “NEVER!!!” and knocked Megatron off the platform they fought on. As the Decepticons were in full retreat, the Autobots came to aid a severely wounded Prime. With best efforts from Perceptor, Prime handed off the Matrix of Leadership to Ultra Magnus, turned grey, and died. I, like many, was forever scarred.

As the movie went on, Hot Rod managed to be chosen the one, which turned him into Rodimus Prime, and as he opened the Matrix to “Light our darkest hour,” he managed to destroy Unicron and win the day. Prime would eventually return, though, in a very disturbing episode called “Dark Awakening”(episode 8 of season 3), as well as “The Return Of Optimus Prime,” a two-part season finale to close out season 3. It turns out all that letter writing to Hasbro worked, and all was right with the world with Prime being back.
“Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough.”
Megatron didn’t start off as the megalomaniac that we’ve grown to love. He is a descendant of the military robots that were created by the Quintessons. The Quintessons also had slave robots, which would eventually rebel and become known as the Autobots. Megatron started off as an activist to the corrupt Cybertronian government and wanted to help change that. With help from a young and innocent slave, Orion Pax, they set out to spread the word of freedom for sentient beings. However, as Megatron himself, who was already corrupted with power, struck down the young Orion Pax, who would be rebuilt by Alpha Trion into Optimus Prime. Megatron began taking what he saw was his and the rest is history.
Towards the end of The Battle of Autobot City, Starscream walked up to the fallen Megatron exclaiming, “How do you feel mighty Megatron?” and kicked him. Starscream then instructed Astrotrain to get them out of there. A horribly damaged Megatron asked Soundwave not to leave him, so Soundwave picked up Megatron, while Rumble picked up Megatron’s fusion cannon, and off they went to board Astrotrain. During Astrotrain’s flight in deep space, Astrotrain requested to “lighten his burden.” Good old Starscream saw fit to not only start a fight for leadership, but to also throw Megatron out into space with the other near slagged Decepticons.

While Megatron and the others were in stasis, floating in space, Megatron was awakened by Unicron. Megatron soon made a deal with Unicron to rebuild him and his forces and Galvatron would destroy the Matrix of Leadership. Galvatron would be on his way for the Matrix, but first it was time to get a little pay back by taking out Starscream and reclaiming the leadership of the Decepticons. Galvatron got his revenge on Starscream but soon Rodimus Prime was able to defeat Galvatron and throw him into space, where he landed on a planet riddled with plasma pools called Thrull. Which later, made him very powerful but insane.
For season 3’s two-part season finale, Galvatron aided Optimus Prime in stopping the spore plague that ravaged the universe and concluded with a handshake between the two. Truly a good moment as the series in the United States was winding down.
On a side note: Frank Welker did the voices for a good portion of the Transformers throughout the series, but his run as Megatron and Soundwave was incredible. He also provided the voice for Galvatron, except for Transformers: The Movie, which was the late, great Leonard Nimoy. Lastly, the late great Orson Welles was the voice for Unicron, which sadly turned out to be his last role.
Did your favorite and most memorable G1 Transformers make the list? Let us know on social media or below!
Related Article: Quiz: Which G1 Transformer are You?
Great article but, it has one mistake. Galvatron landed on Charr, not “Thurr.”
Thanks for your comment Emperor Intellect. Chaar was where the Decepticon’s fled minus Galvatron after the Autobots kicked them off Cybertron. Cyclonus and Scourge found Galvatron on Thrull. Galvatron didn’t arrive there until Five Faces Of Darkness, Part 3. I did however spell the planet of Thrull wrong, my apologies and that will be corrected.