Review: ‘The Mandalorian: Chapter 1’ Was Worth the Wait

The Mandalorian Chapter 4 Sanctuary
Disney +

The Mandalorian has been the main draw for Disney+ for months, yet until last night we’d only gotten to see a few minutes of footage. Most of us embraced the promise of a Jon Favreau directed, produced, and written Star Wars series, but some would not let the hype monster chew up their expectations. Throw your reservations into the reactor pit, friends. The Mandalorian is the PLUS on Disney+. “Chapter One” has shown that we have nothing to fear in the coming season. It’s not Rogue One, but it’s not Solo: A Star Wars Story. And I promise, whichever side of the Holdo Maneuver you’re on, it’s not The Last Jedi. It’s the perfect way to introduce Star Wars to television, and it’s the perfect way to introduce casual fans to Mandalore. There’s minor room for improvement, but as Star Wars fans, we should all be pleased.

I moved into a new home over a month ago, but I still worried I might not have internet service, or worse yet, I wouldn’t have the Disney+ app installed in time to be among the first to see The Mandalorian. When I did get my ISP hooked up, I checked the App Store every day on my phone, my AppleTV, and my computer. I just knew I’d be watching The Mandalorian on a browser using the local gas station’s wi-fi. I breathed a sigh of relief once I got my internet up and running, but then I realized my download speed kept crapping out. C’mon, universe, don’t do this to me. I called the cable company’s tech support and told them about my service issue. It might be the router they said. “It’s no good to me dead,” I told them. I didn’t think she got the reference. I didn’t hear her eyes rolling on the other end of the phone, anyway. “Should I just toss it?” I asked. “No disintegrations!” she ordered. That’s when I knew we were ALL waiting for The Mandalorian to drop.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Well, I’m insane; but hey, last night I got different results, so at least I’m a happy fanatic. After setting my alarm for 3:00AM (the promised Disney+ drop time for PST), I performed my nightly futile search for Disney+ in the App Store, and there it was! I dropped my Collider plans like a hot potato, and loaded it up. Tell me I’m not the only one who was keeping his password on his pasteboard, ready for immediate action.

In the first episode simply, titled “Chapter 1” (for now?), we’re introduced to the familiar shimmering Lucasfilm logo followed by what we can only assume is the new Star Wars opening image slideshow and logo for Star Wars television series. The opening scene is set in a cold wasteland. The protagonist enters a dark cantina filled with miners or wayward travelers. You can see right away that Favreau has every intention of staying true to the galaxy built by George Lucas, complete with sets and characters designed straight from Ralph McQuarrie’s sketchbooks.

Dialogue isn’t wasted, even with the Mando’s verbose bounty, who names our hero’s ship for us, and spells out the myths of Mandalore in amusing exposition. We learn the term “Beskar steel,” and then learn its value in the first twelve minutes. Shortly after, risking spoilers here; we see what it’s for, and we understand how rare it is. Just one brick of the stuff that was gathered in “The Great Purge” is enough to forge one piece of armor. The Mandalorian donates the excess to be used to sponsor foundlings of the tribe.

Pedro Pascal could take on The Mountain with his performance as the confident mystery man, and this time he wouldn’t have his skull crushed. Carl Weathers plays convincing Greef Carga, the man with the jobs. He’s the man to see for bounty pucks and chits and for those jobs that are so under the table there is no puck. But hold the phone. Just as he stole the trailers Werner Herzog as The Client (will he have a name?) also steals the show. He comes off as the one who’s probably the big baddie. He’s scary the way Dryden Vos only wishes he could be. He surrounds himself with former Stormtroopers who have long since quit the habit of polishing their armor. It doesn’t matter. Herzog’s minions are obviously hired to do his dirty work; however I won’t be surprised if we get to see him take care of a little of his own business during the season.

We’re introduced to Nick Nolte’s character, the Ugnaught, Kuill, and were are compelled to respect him immediately. If he’s in any more episodes, he’s likely to be more than a sidekick, and it would be a mistake to use him for comedic relief. He’s read the stories of the Mandalorians. He can help unravel the mystery and culture of Mandalore for everyone who’s never seen The Clone Wars animated series. Unfortunately, IMDb says he’s only in one episode.

Ludwig Göransson’s music feels a little “maclunkey” at times, especially during the Blurrg-breaking montage, but I think I’m going to appreciate the bold choice of seventies action series meshed with a cinematic western feel. It makes sense when you see the art in the credits, so I see it growing on me.

SPOILERS BELOW! Read on at your own risk.

When The Mandalorian reaches the fortress protecting the asset he’s charged with acquiring he meets IG-11, voiced by Taika Waititi. He’s hella fun, and, hey, I said SPOILER ALERT, he deserves more screen time than The Mandalorian allows him. I hope he recovers from the blast to his central wiring harness.

Continuing with even more spoilery spoilers… When fifty years old you reach, look this young you will not. The most adorable little baby Yoda creature is the asset! This is going to be the most widely speculated character in all of Star Wars in the coming weeks. Who cares about Rey’s parents now? Did Yoda get down with Yaddle? Did Yaddle get time off from the Jedi Council for maternity leave? Maybe this youngling isn’t even related to either of these unnamed species. Will we get a name? Please, Jon, if you name the character or the species don’t alliterate. No Y in the name. I have spoken.

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