Bruce Campbell Teases Villain Role in ‘Doctor Strange 2’

Ash vs Evil Dead | Starz

Now that The Evil Dead and Spider-Man director Sam Raimi is officially confirmed for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, frequent Raimi collaborator Bruce Campbell is teasing a villain role in the upcoming sequel. “Huh. Surely, there must be SOME character to challenge the good Doctor,” Campbell says in a recent tweet responding to the news. Though the tweet is vague, Campbell appears to be volunteering to play the next villain to take on Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange in the new movie.

Of course, fans of Campbell are already suggesting possible roles for the actor in the Doctor Strange sequel. One suggests Mephisto, a demonic character with some physical similarities to Bruce. Others would be happy seeing Campbell reprising one of his cameo roles from Raimi’s Spider-Man movie trilogy, as each of those characters were all memorable in their own ways. It’s also been suggested he could play an alternate version of the Doctor from the Multiverse.

However, most fans seem to be hopeful about the prospect of Ash Williams appearing in the movie. Because the Multiverse concept allows for characters from other dimensions to appear in the film, the door is already open for such a crossover to happen. This would also call back to the Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness crossover comic book. The only issue with this idea is that Campbell says he’s retired from playing Ash in any more live-action projects, but that isn’t stopping many of his fans from keeping their fingers crossed.

In any case, we can only hope Campbell shows up in the movie in one way or another. His introduction into the MCU is long overdue, and whether he’s coming in as a new character or reprising a past role, it would be awesome to see Campbell appear in the movie. As of now, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be released on Nov. 5, 2021. You can take a look at some of the most popular responses from fans to Campbell’s tweet below.

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