We find our heroes gathering together after a head-spinning jaunt into 1920’s Tulsa, Atticus saving his father as a child, and Dee being possessed. The episode starts as a whirlwind, so hold onto your seat as you tune in.
Atticus and Leti pass out, coming to in a place that is believed to be hell. Atticus runs into his great, great (great, great?) grandmother as Leti is reacquainted with Tic’s great grandmother. Atticus learns his ancestor placed a spell on her child (she gestures to her pregnant belly), ensuring that the bloodline would be protected from detection.
Finding a sacred circle, Atticus and his greatest grandmother chant a spell which makes…an old white guy appear. Turns out this is the slave owner that is responsible, not only for Atticus’ bloodline, but for the search for Atticus to use as a sacrifice. Spoiler (but maybe not) he’s super racist. I mean, he does own people. So a lot of racial slurs are used.
And what have we learned about outspoken racists in this series? They die. Horrible deaths.
It’s also during this time that Atticus dying is only one option for Christina’s spell to be cast. But Christina doesn’t know that. Or she pretends she doesn’t, because later, as she is visited by Ruby, she states there are “infinite” ways for the spell to be cast, and “infinite” possibilities to get it right.
“What happens if I kill the last of my family” she opines, “and it was all for nothing?”
In true finale/”Full Circle” mentality, everything gets looped back in to this episode. Hippolyta shows Dee that, with the powers she’s discovered, she can heal Dee’s arm and get her back to drawing. Ji-ah, after scaring away a suitor, is reminded of her human-ness and her ability to feel real emotions. Especially since her mother died. And she joins Atticus and his family in their final quest.
As an aside, if you love soundtracks, this episode has a killer collection of music.
And, oh man, FIGHTS! Fights-fights-fights-fights-FIGHTS! It’s a little hard to make out what happens during this part because…there’s a lot of fighting happening in different locations. Adding a few unseen plot twists, it results with the crew about ten steps behind where they need to be, and on a different path than they thought they were on.
Let’s just say, for all the times they could have fought Christina, they should have.
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