In episode 7 of Clarice, “Ugly Truth,” we follow two storylines, both ugly and disturbing in different ways. Unfortunately, the episode still suffers from the cliches that plagued the show early on, which more often than not, derailed some of the promising arcs that popped up throughout the episode.
The show starts off with a horrific image that, combined with the flies, made for a truly disturbing scene. Investigating child murder is always an uncomfortable watch, especially if you are a parent like myself, and this sets up the episode in grand, ugly fashion. However, it fails to capitalize on the opening. This can happen when an episode hits such a great, thought-provoking visual early on. Writers need to be sure they have the story to keep the episode at that level and sadly, they did not.
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While the investigation of the murdered child moves along, we get more info on the River Murders and the ongoing, and sometimes convoluted, conspiracy that is surrounding it. Last week, while under hypnosis, Clarice (Rebecca Breeds) saw the face of a man who attacked her and then was stunned to see the same man on a cover of a magazine on Krendler’s desk. Big coincidence? Most definitely, and too big. But it does move this storyline into another direction and adds yet more stress to an already stressed out-group, that being the VICAP team.
Agent Clark (Nick Sandow) is on edge with this case, and as it turns out, there is a good reason, but he’s driving the other agents nuts. Krendler (Michael Cudlitz) continues to be a magnet of trouble, both of his own doing and things out of his control, and Clarice continues to work, with no therapist yet, and deal with PTSD with mixed results. It makes for a stressful environment but is helpful in terms of character development and plot.
Check out all of our coverage for ‘Clarice’ here!
The ray of sunshine this week is Ardelia Mapp (Devyn Tyler), who escapes her dungeon and gets to do some fieldwork. She has many axes to grind, and with good reason. Ardelia takes full advantage of her opportunity with some impressive work in the field and dialouge that put a few in their place, including Krendler (this guy is always getting the heat for something). It was great to see and I hope there’s more of it, but she couldn’t even do a little solitary victory dance without something spoiling the mood.
“Ugly Truth” had a great start which quickly fizzled into cliches and coincidences, something we’ve seen too many times in this series. The level of dread and fear quickly evaporated and while there were some good scenes, the episode could have been so much more.
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What are these alleged “cliches and coincidences” that you whinge about? The reviews indicate that you expect this to be something other than a police procedural but that is just what it is. Yes, the horror is somewhat muted but the show has enough of Starling/Buffalo Bill as an undercurrent to the psychological lives of virtually all the characters to create a fascinating “world”.