Join the Fight to Save the Iconic Mahoning Drive-In

Mahoning Drive-In

Located in Lehighton, Pennsylvania, the iconic Mahoning Drive-In has been operating since 1949, showing films on original 35mm prints. Along with the movies, the drive-in has hosted numerous events and festivals, and has become a favorite destination for generations of film fans. Now, however, there is a fight to save the Mahoning Drive-In from being demolished, and there are ways you can help.

Yesterday, a video was posted on the official Instagram with the news that the land was optioned to a solar company, who plans to tear down the drive-in and put up a solar farm.

The caption reads:

“Devastating news for the Mahoning Drive-In family — due to circumstances beyond our control, the land in Lehighton, PA, upon which The Mahoning Drive-In Theater stands, was optioned to a solar company, Greenskies Clean Energy LLC, who plan to demolish the theater, iconic screen and marquee, and construct a solar farm in its place.

The management of the Mahoning Drive-In has leased the business from the landowner for decades, and was unaware of this situation until the following Public Notice was sent to neighbors via email, and published in the LEHIGHTON TIMES-NEWS.”

How fans of Mahoning can get involved with the fight:

“We will be holding a rally at The Mahoning Drive-In Theater on Monday, August 2nd, and are inviting all media and supporters to come out to speak about The Mahoning and this issue, followed by a 35mm double feature of films to be announced. Overnight Passes will be free for all who attend this show.

On Tuesday, August 3rd, starting at noon, we will invite supporters to meet at the Mahoning Drive-In Theater, with a caravan to the meeting at 6:00pm. Overflow parking will be available at Mahoning Speedway. (Final meeting place to be announced, should the Township require a change of venue due to capacity issues.)

Share our posts about this issue on social media, hashtagging #savethemahoning, #greenskiescleanenergy, and #cfdevelopmentpenn.

Send letters showing your support for the Mahoning Drive-In (what the theater means to you, where you’re from, how much money you spend at the theater and at local businesses when you come) in this fight to:

Greenskies Clean Energy, LLC
127 Washington Avenue – West Building, Lower Level
North Haven, CT 06743

Sandra Palinchak, Secretary
Mahoning Township Zoning Hearing Board
2685 Mahoning Drive
East Lehighton, PA 018235

Come to the August 3rd meeting at 7pm (arrive early) in your Mahoning shirt, at the appointed location (close to the theater) to either speak or send a message by your physical presence. We especially need local support and neighbors to come out and speak out against a solar farm replacing this piece of so many of our hearts and history.”

Longtime supporter Joe Bob Briggs is also joining the fight, saying, “We have plans. We don’t lose.”

While we’re all for more green energy, we sincerely hope this classic landmark isn’t taken away. For more updates, follow on Instagram and check out the official website.

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