A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors part 3s in horror Freddy Krueger Dream Warriors Freddy Krueger One-Liners
New Line Cinema

With his legendary run playing Freddy Krueger on-screen in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, Robert Englund has delivered some of the most memorable one-liners in movie history. Every fan has their own favorites, and as it turns out, Englund has a few he’s particularly fond of as well.

In a new interview with Variety, the iconic actor divulged his three favorite Freddy Krueger one-liners, and they are as follows:

1. “Welcome to prime time, bitch!”

This line is spoken by Freddy in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. In the scene, wannabe TV actress Jennifer (Penelope Sudrow) is grabbed by Freddy, who has manifested from a television set she was watching. Upon uttering the line, Freddy uses his mechanical arms to shove Jennifer’s head into the screen, killing her.

2. “I should warn you, princess… the first time tends to get a little… messy.”

Englund would say this line in the crossover movie Freddy vs. Jason, which would turn out to be his final feature film in the role of Freddy Krueger. It’s a scene where Freddy targets Lori Campbell (Monica Keena), and Englund describes this as the character getting “disgusting and gross and dark.”

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3. “I’m your boyfriend now, Nancy.”

The third favorite one-liner from Englund is an oldie but a goodie. It goes back to the first Elm Street film released in 1984, which starred Englund opposite Heather Langenkamp as Nancy Thompson. Just as he’s about to Freddy kills Nancy’s boyfriend, Glenn (Johnny Depp), Freddy calls her and whispers the memorable line. He then sticks his tongue out through the phone into Nancy’s mouth just to make the moment that much creepier. Glenn is then pulled through a bed and turned into a geyser of blood in one of the most unique death scenes of the series.

For more of Englund speaking about his run as Freddy Krueger, check out the new doc Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares: The Robert Englund Story, coming to Screambox on June 6.

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