Since its May 26th release, Friday the 13th: The Game has only been available via digital download. Those who have pre-ordered the physical copies received keys until the physical edition became available. It was announced today that Gun Media and IllFonic are finally launching the physical edition of their game to Xbox One, PS4 and Steam on October 13th (or…Friday the 13th).
The price for the physical copy will be $39.99. It will be packaged with an exclusive “Bloody Jason” skin, which will be available for all playable Jasons. It will also have a free pack of clothing for each of the playable camp counselors.
At this time, it is unknown if players can get the Bloody Jason skin and exclusive content without purchasing the physical copy. It doesn’t seem too likely right now, which may upset some players since the option of purchasing physical hasn’t been available. Perhaps Gun Media and IllFonic have more in the works for us in the way of Jason skins and abilities for current owners of digital copies as well. Time will tell.
Either way, getting the option of physical copies is definitely great news for collectors and fans alike! This news combined with the recent Xbox One patch that was released should be making for some happier counselors and killers. There is still no word on when Single Player mode will be available. Hopefully that announcement is coming soon.
You can check out the Bloody Jason and announcement trailer below. As always, be sure to let us know what you think!
You can pre-order now on Amazon:
Xbox One –
PlayStation 4 –
Check out our review of Friday the 13th: The Game here!
Gun Media did respond to comments on their Facebook page regarding the exclusive retail content not being available for digital…