the walking dead #190
Image Comics

Last month’s The Walking Dead issue, #189, wasn’t really all that thrilling. It didn’t add much to what’s been going on, and I was quite disappointed. The whole revolution being led by Mercer is one of the better plots in quite some time for The Walking Dead series, and we did get to see some expansion on the past of Princess; who is someone that I am growing more and more fond of with every appearance. This month, in The Walking Dead #190, we (nearly) got to see how the people of the Commonwealth would handle their first real walker encounter when a herd approaches while in the middle of all hell breaking loose between the people and the army.

Luckily for the Commonwealth and its fighters, Hilltop arrived just in time to save the day because who knows how the “sit and wait” approach would’ve fared, that they were going to attempt.

I’ve found this story arc to be quite interesting. Seeing Rick not in charge and trying to play the role of a peacekeeper has been very different. It appears that everyone knew this breakdown within the community was coming, judging by an interaction between Eugene and his new crush; sadly for Rick, he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time. After having to kill Dwight to keep the peace and damaging his relationship with Michonne in the process, we had an interesting turn of events when Governor Milton ordered her army to attack. Such an exciting way to close the issue.

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Overall, The Walking Dead #190 was quite good and had more than a fair share of action going on. We got to see Michonne lace up those badass boots of hers again to keep Elodie and her friends safe. Rick, with a single line, while speaking to Mercer, gave us a bit of hope that things will change for the Commonwealth, whether the Governor likes it or not. Now that the armies have faced off, issue #191 is certain to be a good one. Will the Governor’s army back her or Mercer? What about the people? Leaving this much to question is a sign of a great story to come. Still, though, we have to wonder where Negan is during all of this. I’m hoping to see him return to the comic soon.

The Walking Dead #190 was released on April 3rd.



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