Savini Jason 3 Friday the 13th: the Game

Last night at PAX East 2017, Gun Media revealed a new content for the upcoming Friday the 13th: The Game in a “killer” trailer. We saw brutal kills, new counselors, and new Jason models.

Kill Highlights

While I loved all of the kills shown for different reasons, here are the ones I’m most excited about!

I absolutely loved death by toilet drowning. The water spray on the camera as she’s struggling to get free was the perfect touch.

A flying ax to the head never gets old!

The spear death is insanely gruesome! Look at the gore details!

I’ve been wanting to see more Sackhead Jason kills. This didn’t disappoint!

You can check out the full trailer here:

Tom Savini’s Jason

We also got a much more detailed look at Tom Savini’s custom Jason, which was teased a few weeks ago. He is straight from hell and I can’t wait to check out his full abilities!

Release Date

Sorry, but no release date has been given yet. They’re sticking with “early 2017,” and the video shows us that the game is definitely getting polished. If you’d like to read more about the release date, check out a statement from the game’s co-creator, Wes Keltner, here.


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