‘The Mandalorian: Chapter 2’ Spoilers and Speculation

The Mandalorian Chapter 4 Sanctuary
Disney +

The Mandalorian Chapter 2 is out, and the story is slowly unfolding. There’s no way to talk about Chapter 2 without spoiling Chapter 1, so if you haven’t started the series go away. You’re welcome to come back later and tear this to pieces. While we’re at it, it’s going to be difficult to talk about Chapter 2 without spoiling the not so surprising reveal in this episode. So if you have not seen the second episode of The Mandalorian just go watch it and come back. This is where discussions about what we’re seeing will happen. This piece is going to be full of spoilers through Chapter 2 and speculation for the rest of the season. Some of my speculation will tread into rumors and speculation into The Rise of Skywalker, so tread lightly.

The episode begins with the Mando on foot with his newly acquired asset in tow. He’s ambushed by a couple of Trandoshans who look a lot like domesticated Niktos. Bossk must have had some seriously long arms for his species because these two have normal length arms. Turns out they’re bounty hunters with their own fob locked to baby Yoda dude. Dudette? Let’s call “it” Yomama for now. That way you’re just as eager to get a name as I am. Maybe the tracker is in the anti-gravity stroller. Get rid of that thing. There has to be a Babies R Us in the Outer Rim somewhere.

The Mandalorian is injured in the scuffle, and here is where I think we can begin speculation and possibly diverge in opinion about where this is going. While he’s cauterizing his wound Yomama approaches, and the music is hinting that it’s going to use some kind of Force-healing power (something to warm us to the Rey healing rumor?). Mando stops it and puts it back to what I was calling “the egg,” but now must rename because, well, we’ll get there. He puts it back.

I’m calling Yomama “it” for now, but not because I’m a sensitive and progressive feminist who is trying to be inclusive in every bit of language I produce, but because I actually think that this story will be loaded with reveals. It’s the nature of new television to have at least one small reveal per episode, and at least one major reveal in a season. We already got a major reveal, but it’s way too early for that to be one of the real big surprises. That kind of thing typically happens in the penultimate episode. I think in Chapter 7 we will find out that Yomama is a girl. Makes sense, given her name. Who names a boy Yomama? Airing Wednesday, December 18 it will make for a wonderful Christmas present. Mark it on your advent. I want you to remember who called it. And if I’m wrong you still have time to put me on your naughty list. They’re calling her “it” for now, so let’s just go with it. Is it still so surprising to reveal a character is a girl? I guess so. Let’s play along. Like we found Christmas in Mom’s closet behind the coats.

Moving on, Jawas are ransacking The Razor Crest. Since this isn’t Rogue One we don’t get the convenience of scene setting planet identifications in the corner of the screen, so I had to wonder if we were on Tatooine. It’s definitely an Outer Rim planet, far from the bright center of the universe, but this rocky desert climate is only part of this planet’s geology. As it should be. Why do so many Star Wars planets have only one climate and landscape?

Anyway, Jawas found a sandcrawler dealership on Planet X and expanded their trade business to another world. I can accept that if Jon Favreau can. This episode’s chase scene is exciting as Mando disintegrates a few of the vile, stinky thieves. He willfully climbs the sandcrawler as they retreat. In a scene akin to a video game the little scamps pop out of windows like whack-moles tossing junk at the bounty hunter. Eventually he reaches the top, and darn it if I didn’t think of Boba Fett falling into the Sarlacc Pit when he gets zapped. Hey it happened to Artoo. It can happen to the best of us. Utinni!

Back at the Razor Crest, humiliated, the Mandalorian assesses the hopeless situation. Begin the slow walk to the bus stop, and re-enter Kuiil the ugnaught. Yay, he’s back! He serves as a moderator, teaching Mando about making compromises. Mando is off to retrieve “the egg” for the Jawas so he can trade for his own parts. He accepts this humility, but not trusting anyone with Yomama he brings the baby along for the dangerous task. He has to face a mudhorn to steal its egg. Never mind that the mudhorn looks mammalian, this is space! I love it. And that giant kiwi of an egg looks delicious. No wonder the Jawas want that egg so bad.

This is where the not so surprising reveal takes place. As hinted earlier, Yomama is a Force wielder, and a powerful one at that. There is not try. Yomama saves Mando by levitating it, essentially becoming an accessory to murder because this is where Mando kills the poor thing. It was exhausting for Yomama, so “she” falls asleep. Probably out of guilt.

Hey, I was right. The egg is delicious! And like Rocky Balboa, Jawas enjoy mudhorn eggs raw. Rocky drank mudhorn eggs, right? Nick Nolte’s character and Pedro Pascal’s character part ways after exchanging mutual respect and offers for rewards and employment. “Are you offering me a job?” “I can pay handsomely,” is much more enticing than “I wouldn’t be nice to you. Doesn’t pay much.” Take note of that Han. Mando knows how to make an offer. Alas, Kuiil declines. He’s happy at home now that Mando has brough peace to his sector. “I have spoken” is going to be the catchphrase of the series.

At this point Ludwig Göransson has already convinced me that the music is right on for this series. The episodes are short adventures, and the music harkens to episodic adventures of decades past. I can’t wait to see more. And I can’t wait to find out more about who Yomama is.

Related Article: Review: The Mandalorian Chapter 1 Was Worth the Wait


  1. I am enjoying the music, too. It doesn’t remind me at all of the original score, which I appreciate. It blends seamlessly with whatever is happening onscreen, enhancing the action, instead of telling us how to feel.
    Yomama is such a cutie! I can’t wait to find out more about her.


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