‘Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order’ Features Cult Icon Daniel Roebuck

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Daniel Roebuck
Respawn Entertainment / Electronic Arts

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is out now on PS4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.

From the soulless killer, Samson Toulette, in Tim Hunter’s acclaimed dissection of 1980’s teen anguish, River’s Edge, to his latest role as the irascible four armed pilot Greez Dritus in the highly anticipated video game release, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order (available on PS4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows), actor Daniel Roebuck has never played…well, Daniel Roebuck.

To Roebuck, that seems perfectly natural as he credits his early interest in Universal Studio’s Gothic horrors as the impetus for his long career. “I couldn’t have been older than six or seven when I discovered The Phantom of the Opera and Frankenstein and their countless iterations. I watched them as incessantly as was possible in a time when watching any movie required scouring the TV guide a week in advance and then begging my mom to let me stay up late on the night I wanted to watch it!”

EA and Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order has already garnered a great deal of interest and the excitement is building for its November 15th, 2019 release. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, game director Stig Asmussen offered his thoughts on Roebuck’s character Greez, “He’s a member of a new species we’ve created. I don’t want to give away too much of his backstory, but like anybody you’re going to find during these dark times, he’s got demons. But he’s kind of like this loudmouthed little guy, he talks real big, he tells tall tales and most of the time they’re not true.”

Respawn Entertainment / Electronic Arts

Roebuck spent a few months working alongside of Cameron Monaghan, playing Cal, the young padawan and Debra Wilson who plays Cere in the game.“We had a wonderful camaraderie, the three of us,” said Roebuck. “Plus,we were performance directed by Tom Keegan who is truly a master director and always brings great insight into the process.” Keegan and Roebuck had worked together before on Dead Rising 3.

During the performance capture process, the actors donned form fitting body suits covered with reflective balls and performed the game’s cinematic scenes in front of dozens of cameras. They also wore head gear fitted with cameras so that the animators could utilize the footage to animate the character’s facial features by directly correlating them to the actor’s reference video.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is on track to become one of the most successful video game releases of 2019. The game is one of a triumvirate of entertainment options being released by Lucasfilm LTD this fall. Its release coinciding with the original program from Disney +, The Mandalorian and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, out this Christmas.

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