Blood and Snow 2023 Review
MVD Visual

There was something insanely special about John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982). Even the 2011 film was far better than anyone had expected. Carpenter’s film, though, might actually be one of the greatest sci-fi horror films ever made. With its brilliant cast and effects work that’s never been rivaled, it will, and always be, considered one of the greats. It’s only natural for filmmakers to be inspired by it and try to capture lightning in a bottle the way he did, but it’s just not easy. Cinematographer turned director Jesse Palangio borrows heavily for his latest feature, Blood and Snow (2023), with mixed results.

In the Arctic, two scientists discover a meteor impact site and get in close to investigate. An unseen force kills one of them, leaving Marie (Anne-Carolyne Binette) mysteriously infected. She’s thought dead but eventually discovered by Sebastian (Michael Swatton) and Luke (Simon Phillips), who bring her back to the base.

As Marie wakes, it becomes apparent something isn’t right. When people begin to die, whatever has overtaken her has the upper hand. With time running out, the survivors will have to figure out a way to stop it.

Blood and Snow is held back by budget constraints, never quite achieving what it sets out to do. One can’t make a film inspired by The Thing and fail to deliver solid effects. Even the CG snow looks cheap, which isn’t a good sign. The cast does their best, especially Binette, and it’s always a pleasure to see genre favorite Vernon Wells gracing the screen.

RELATED: ‘The Thing: Remastered’ Is in the Works From Nightdive Studios

Horror fans looking for a thrill will be disappointed with the absence of gore, and their patience will be tested by the pacing, which could have been tightened up. Speaking of tightening up, the script could have used an additional pass as well. There are some good ideas in here, but the execution was lackluster despite a few inspired moments and a likable cast.

The finale left me feeling underwhelmed, and it is open to a possible sequel. While it’s not something I would recommend, perhaps you’ll find something enjoyable. I’d be open to viewing a sequel; there’s something here, just not in this particular film.

Cleopatra Entertainment and MVD Visual have done a fine job with the presentation. The transfer is clean, which helps it to look far better than it should. As far as extras, there’s nothing of real substance, with a trailer and image slideshow.

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