It was announced that Westworld creators Lisa Joy and Jonah Nolan are developing a Fallout TV series via Prime Video. Although the project is still in very early development, we can’t help but dream about what we want to see come to life on the show.
Here are six things we hope are included!
1A Trip Through Nuka-World

While we expect the characters to sit back and relax with a nice warm Nuka-Cola now and then, seeing Nuka-World would be pretty awesome. Players can visit the amusement park in Fallout 4 as an add-on, and it lets you play as a raider if desired. In the game, you must defeat a boss and take over the gangs living at Nuka-World – The Operators, The Disciples, and The Pack. You can either become a baddie yourself or take them on.
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Either way, wandering Nuka-World is a fun time as you discover Dry Rock Gulch, Nuka-Town USA, Kiddie Kingdom, Safari Adventure, Galactic Zone, and World of Refreshment.
“Nuka-Cola…zap that thirst!”
2A Nod to Liberty Prime

Anyone who has played Fallout 3 remembers that moment when the enormous Liberty Prime, which stands at 40 ft. tall, came to life and kicked some serious butt. Armed with lasers and nukes, it’s no wonder why the Brotherhood of Steel, and later the Institute in Fallout 4, works on repairing the robot for it to fight on their side.
Even if we don’t get to watch the commie-hating bot in action, it would be great to still see some mention, statue, or tribute in the Fallout TV series.
“Liberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists.”
3A Familiar Voice Guiding the Way

We know (expect) that the franchise’s iconic retro music will be featured, but what about a familiar voice guiding the Lone Wanderer through the Wasteland? We would love to see our favorite radio host, Three Dog (voiced by Erik Dellums), be that voice.
Throughout Fallout 3, Three Dog puts players on blast to remind us of our karma and keep us up-to-date on what’s happening around the Wasteland. To not have a DJ we love (or one at all) would be a huge disservice.
“Hey everybody, this is Three Dog, your friendly neighborhood disc jockey. What’s a disc? Hell, if I know, but I’m gonna keep talking anyway.”
4Little Lamplight Lore

While playing Fallout 3, players are introduced to an underground colony located within Vault-Tec-owned caves that connect to Vault 87 called Little Lamplight. Everyone in the settlement are all notably under 16, as residents over that age are forced to leave.
Little Lamplight was founded when the Great War bombs dropped in 2077, as a group of school children were touring the caverns with their elementary teachers. Trapped and mostly abandoned by adults and Vault 87, they learned to survive, fight, and educate themselves. And as one can imagine, they are extremely distrustful of adults, even referring to them as “mungos.”
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Little Lamplight would be an interesting settlement to include, and maybe even see the history unfold through flashbacks.
“I bet you’re so bad because your mom didn’t love you.”
5Aliens and UFOs

While we expect a Westworld-esque fantasy drama, we hope the writers don’t overlook the extraterrestrial beings that also visit the Wasteland. After all, they do play a huge part in the history of the Fallout universe. Even if the aliens themselves remain unseen in the Fallout TV series, their technology and lore should at least be introduced, with an explanation of how they changed the entire course of history.
We also wouldn’t mind seeing a crashed UFO site, just sitting in the desert waiting to get explored.
“Even if the Institute’s gone, aliens, man. Got to worry about aliens.”
6Some Fun in New Vegas

Considering Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment (though it was published by Bethesda Softworks), it may not be likely that the game will have much influence on the show. However, we would love to see a nod towards the game.
Perhaps a mention of someone passing through New Vegas for gambling and cheap booze or a gang of Elvis impersonators sporting switchblades. There is certainly some fun to be had there.
“This is Mr. New Vegas, and I feel something magic in the air tonight, and I’m not just talking about the gamma radiation.”